About Us
We have seen a lot of scams since the discovery of cryptocurrency, and unfortunately, we have also fallen victim to some of them; however, We know crypto payment isn't going anywhere - it's here to stay and will be huge, but as we are keenly aware of the dangers, pitfalls, and scammers trolling cryptocurrency. We realized that the crypto world needed services like ours because we couldn't find any, So we set out to make the best cryptocurrency escrow service on the internet.
We understand, and you should too, how easy it can be for cryptocurrency transactions to be misused. Consider a typical cryptocurrency deal: Your customer, client, acquaintance, a total stranger - the two of you agree to either pay or be paid in cryptocurrency. You agree to terms of service, decide on a date and settle on a price. In the case that you're the buyer, you typically place the funds in the wallet addresses provided and assume the service will be rendered. Your money has been paid… It happens all the time with cryptocurrency transactions. Then, you find out they have reneged on the deal. Your payment, however, is in their wallet now, and you're not getting it back.
That's just one scenario based on seemingly legitimate parties. Then there are the dyed-in-the-wool thieves and scammers, looking for ways to steal through the cryptocurrency system's weaknesses and loopholes.
In the world of fiat currency, traditional escrow is to securely keep funds on hold until the deal is complete and satisfactory to both parties. That's when it's released. It works well in the fiat world. In the crypto world, the typical escrow structure is like a blinking neon sign to thieves and scammers, saying, "We are open - come on in."
Thus, we pursued an escrow platform devoted to cryptocurrency transactions. Ours is a peer-to-peer blockchain-based service. It's a huge difference over any other traditional crypto escrow services. Individual, non-pooled, smart contracts govern each of our transactions. They are keyless and immutable. That means the funds remain completely secure until both parties are satisfied with the transaction's outcome. It's a true peer-to-peer escrow service - only the parties involved have authority over how the funds are dispersed; unlike traditional escrow, we won't have any hold over your funds.
We've modeled our platform on the latest, proven methodologies to ensure the most secure possible outcome 100% of the time. Our extensive domain experience in the blockchain development field gives us the expertise to ensure your funds are never at risk. That's our mission.
We know crypto escrow is going to become standard practice in the world of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other Cryptocurrencies. That's why we are here now, to help pave the way to a more secure user experience with cryptocurrency. We intend to earn users' trust, one crypto transaction at a time, making Bitcoin-Escrow.io the go-to cryptocurrency escrow in general. We'll happily have you along and make your crypto transaction as secure as possible.